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Amalgamation Information

Ekersval Resources Ltd. Amalgamation Information

Ekersval Resources Ltd.

On September 30 th 1992, Ekersval Resources Ltd. was amalgamated along with 2 other Ontario companies to form the present day maxill inc.

Company Name Ontario Corporation Number
Ekersval Resources Ltd. 760669 Public Company
maxill inc. 897918 Private Company
998209 Ontario Inc. 998209 Private Company


Prior to this amalgamation taking place , the capital structure of Ekersval Resources was subjected to a 1 for 3 rollback in the Common Stock of the company. An information circular was distributed to Ekersval shareholders in accordance to the rules prior to this amalgamation.

This web page has been set up as there have been many enquiries as of late from maxill and former Ekersval Shareholders

FAQ on maxill and Ekersval Stock

Q.) I owned 500 shares of Ekersval before the amalgamation date of September 30 th 1992. How many shares to I have now?

A.) The amalgamation was a 3 to 1 or a 1 for 3 consolidation depending upon how you look at it. This means that you got 1 new maxill share for every 3 shares of Ekersval that you owned.

Divide your previous stock amount ( in this case 500 ) by 3 and then “round up”. This means that your previous 500 shares of Ekersval are now 167 maxill shares.

Q.) What stock exchange does maxill trade on?
A.) maxill does not currently trade on a stock exchange and has not traded publicly since about 2003.

Q.) What do I do with my maxill shares if it is not traded on a stock exchange?
A.) In the immediate term, there is nothing that you can do. Long term ( 2011 ) maxill is actively working to remedy this situation

Q.) I have not received any materials from the company in a long time. Why is that?
A.) Has your address changed? Please make sure that we have the correct contact information.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact John Shaw directly at;  jshaw@maxill.com or call 519-631-7370.

The company FAX: is 519-631-3388

