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maxill has long been a generous contributor of dental products to worthy causes around the world. In 2006 alone, the company donated over 80,000 toothbrushes and other assorted products to hundreds of worthwhile causes. In 2007, the company again donated well over 60,000 toothbrushes again to various requests that we have received. Every week, maxill receives on average 40-50 requests for donations of either money or merchandise for a wide range of events, foreign expeditions, service groups, teams, people or persons, churches, associations or some type of club. It is a difficult task for the donations committee to sort out who gets what, when and why. Definitely not an enjoyable thing to do.

Over the years, the deluge of requests just keeps multiplying so hard choices have to be made. Not every request can be filled. When the donations review committee pours over the hundreds of requests, these written requests have already been pre-sorted into piles that represent our own internal classification of "degrees of need and importance". Additionally, due to the increased volume, maxill no longer pays the courier / postage costs on donated products.

The goal of maxill's donations is to provide toothbrushes and medical supplies to people on this planet who would otherwise probably never have the wherewithal, money or capability of ever buying a toothbrush on their own. Each year, maxill receives back from organizations, photos and letters indicating the overwhelming joy that poverty or disaster stricken people have expressed at receiving such a simple item as that of a toothbrush.

Donation Process
When a request is received by the company for a donation, here is the process and steps that is involved in determining if a donation is made or not;

1. Similar like donation requests from customers are considered over similar like donation requests from non-customers.
2. The end user destination is THE major factor that is considered over everything else.

Let us explain this process for some further clarity.

Donation Requests That Are Not Considered
There are many donation requests that simply do not make the cut. Some examples are requests from organizations such as schools trip organizers, sports teams, car clubs, supplemental Government programs ( at the Federal, Provincial or Municipal level ), or employee event groups. The people making such requests clearly have ample resources of their own.

Products that maxill Typically Donates
Toothbrushes used to be a standard product that maxill has donated in the past. At one time, toothbrushes were the only product that maxill made.

With the company diversifying in recent years into many more medical / dental products other than toothbrushes, the amount of toothbrushes we donate has decreased substantially. maxill now donates medical gloves and gauze and other medical products in lieu of toothbrushes. All of these products are sought after in developing countries that most missions are targeting.

Customer Requests Don't Always Win Over Non-Customer Requests
For example. . A Customer requests a donation because they have a child whose class or sports group of 20 people is traveling to Germany for a competition. In the same request time frame there is a non-customer organization that is going to South America to do charitable work with the poor and needs a few hundred toothbrushes. As previously stated, maxill’s donations are aimed to help people that would not otherwise have the wherewithal to be able to purchase oral care items themselves and the non-customer request would be chosen.

Thousands of dental professionals who are customers of the company offer their services to provide free dental work in the developing world each year. Often, these professionals take toothbrushes that they have bought from maxill for their own professional office and they ask if we can top up a donation amount or give them a fantastic price on several thousand toothbrushes.  We are more than happy to fulfill these type of requests.

If you feel that you have donation request that is worthy, please feel free to send the company an email or fax and it will be looked at. The Charitable Committee meets 4 times per year and always on the first Monday of March, June, September and December. Only those donation requests that have been selected or approved will be re-contacted to inform the requester that their request has been approved.

To make a request, here is the information that we require:

1. Who are you?
2. What is the name of your organization? ( if applicable )
3. What are the names of all organizations involved?
4. What similar type of charity work have you done in the past?
5. What is it specifically that you are looking for?
6. When are you \ is your group leaving on your trip? ( if applicable )
7. How many volunteers are going?
8. How long are you away for?
9. How can we contact you if your request is approved?
10. Are you willing to provide pictures of your distribution?
11. Do you have a Courier Account # where this donation can be sent freight collect if you are not picking it up at maxill? maxill does not pay the freight / courier costs to get the donation to you. If maxill does provide you with a donation package and you do not have a courier account, we will require payment for the courier charges up front. We will advise you that time a fixed amount for the courier charge for your parcel at that time.

In closing, due to the volume of requests, not all requests for donations destined for the poor areas and the poor people of the world are fulfilled.  Selecting the donation recipients is a difficult task, and if you aren’t selected for a donation this year, we would encourage you to apply again in the future.

Applications for Donations can only be made in the following manner.

Email us at: info@maxill.com
Or send us a letter to:

maxill inc.
c\o Donations Committee
80 Elm Street
St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6C8