Michelle Aubé (Simmonds), RDH
August 12, 2022Although digital imaging is at the forefront of dentistry, not every office has a digital scanner or a second or third scanner to fully eliminate manual impression taking. In every office there seems to always be the one or two impression guru’s that constantly capture a fabulous impression. You too can be an impression guru with the review of some simple elements and skills that can deliver a more predictable ‘good impression’ organized with proper planning.
July 18, 2022
Identifying pathogens to ensure proper elimination has always been part of the infection prevention and control in dentistry. The SARS CoV-2 pandemic has shown how an emerging pathogen can surface and spread globally. Emerging pathogens are defined as a new microorganism or an existing microorganism that is changing patterns. In the hopeful forward movement out of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic, the Monkeypox virus has made a come back from the late 1970’s where in the 1980’s it was believed to be irradicated with successful vaccinations 1. Monkeypox virus is a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus, and includes variola virus (smallpox virus), vaccinia virus, cowpox, and other poxviruses 2. The National Library of Medicine states “the last endemic case of smallpox occurred in 1977, total eradication was confirmed in 1980” 3. “Smallpox helped to shape history, and it made history by being the first disease to be controlled by immunization and the first to be era
May 30, 2022The AAP has graciously opened the door to start the tobacco cessation conversation during the A and D of ADPIE when staging and grading the client’s periodontal health. Your action plan revolves around five success measures that are simple to integrate, impactful to client care and all within the scope of practice of the dental professional. Here is how dental offices can start the tobacco cessation conversation ....
May 20, 2022
Knowing more information about choosing the right protective gown hopefully solves any dilemma about selection and usage. The required dental PPE lineup is full and highly influenced by the task. Remember to ‘pick the mask for the task’ and ‘go to town with the right gown!'
April 14, 2022
Managing dental fear in children can be challenging. In my about 30 years working in dentistry, I have picked up some tips to help alleviate dental fear in pediatric clients. Yes, there is a business management side to a dental office, but we cannot be so wrapped up with the tight schedules that we lose sight of the importance and value in the role we play as dental professionals to make dental visits fantastic for every child.
February 18, 2022
As a consumer standing in front of a well orchestrated display of oral care products, one word comes to mind; overwhelming! Added into the already overwhelming list of products is an entire line up of natural oral health care products. Marketing is aimed to have every product promise to deliver something wonderful. That may be the case, however, is that ‘something’ wonderful suited for your clients' needs? Is what your client is putting in their mouth good for them? Even if they are natural products?
December 08, 2021
Before being an RDH, I was a CDA and then a CPDA for 4 years. I oversaw ordering burs, sterilizing burs, and storing them in bur blocks in an official bur drawer. These were the years where a loose unpackaged sterile burs in a bur block was acceptable in infection prevention and control.
November 30, 2020
Dental offices are no strangers to the potential of having an unannounced IPAC Public Health inspection. Now dental offices can add the possibility of the Ministry of Labour randomly arriving to the dental practice to inspect the offices pandemic plan and compliance. The difference between the two inspections is Public Health is mandated to protect the public and the Ministry of Labour for the employee/worker safety. Every workplace must be free of hazards to the employee, this includes infection control with the SARS-COV-2 being an infectious hazard. The missions of both authorities do overlap in the end with the result being overall human safety.
November 27, 2020
The question above in the title can be answered by a question… Who has first stated a DUWL system was needed and since when? The manufacturers of the DUWL’s have been the initiating source since the new design of equipment with a closed water system design. The water system is ‘closed’ to outside contamination...
October 19, 2020
Some provinces require an ACH test and some do not.
Some require adherence to a specific fallow time and some do not.
For the geographical areas that must adhere to a fallow time, the sequence of the operatory turnover and where and when the clinical notes are written is causing some confusion and must be addressed.
A common question is when does the fallow time begin?
The fallow time begins when the clinician and client leave the operatory.
It does NOT begin when the last AGP was performed.
The reasoning is while the client is still in the operatory conversing with no mask there could be a chance for airborne transmission.