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ipana Pre-Op Oral Rinse with 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide

(2 L Jug)

ipana Pre-Op Oral Rinse with 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide is a preprocedural oral rinse to be used by patients before examinations and dental procedures.

• 2 L Jug

• Icy Mint Flavour

Developed under recommendations released by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association and reinforced by other Canadian associations, ipana Pre-Op Oral Rinse is designed to help reduce the number of microorganisms a patient may release through airborne aerosols and splatter.

This preprocedural rinse is critical for compliance and helps minimize contamination of operatory surfaces, the dental health care professional and the patient.

2 L per Jug

per Jug
In stock

Product Information Sheets
(Size: 529.9 KB)
Safety Data Sheets

Minimizing aerosols has always been part of a dental office's infection prevention and control program. This includes pre-procedural rinsing (PPR), the use of a dental dam and high volume (HV) suction. The notion of a PPR is not new to dentistry and prior to COVID-19 dental professionals could make their own product selection.

The PPR product must be hydrogen peroxide at a 1% concentration. The COVID-19 virus has a lipid layer as its outer shell and is highly vulnerable to the oxidizing impact of hydrogen peroxide.

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario: www.rcdso.org/en-ca/rcdso-members/2019-novel-coronavirus/covid-19---guidance-on-emergency-and-urgent-care-"

American Dental Association: www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2020-archive/march/ada-adds-frequently-asked-questions-from-dentists-to-coronavirus-resources

Centre for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/infectioncontrol/statement-COVID.html

The Multifaceted Utility of Hydrogen Peroxide in Dentistry