Take the guesswork out of your IPAC compliance
Keeping up with new regulations and making sure you are meeting existing ones is an overwhelming and very stressful task. maxill is here to help! maxill has the tools, products, and resources to guide you through the process and ensure you stay up-to-date and inspection ready.
Whether it be a baseline IPAC assessment, a policies and procedures manual tailored to your office, the gathering of MIFU's (manufacturer's instructions for use) or ongoing support, maxill has you covered.
How healthy is your IPAC program?
maxill's IPAC Check-Up offers dental offices peace of mind with a consolidated IPAC assessment, condensed IPAC manual policy/procedures review and yearly IPAC training performed by a skilled IPAC facilitator. All elements of the maxill IPAC Check-Up are part of the health of a dental office's IPAC program in aligning with standards of practice and remaining compliant in a one-year snapshot. A dental office's time management is crucial, as such maxill has bundled the Check-Up in two time efficient packages to support initial baseline evaluation and on-going learning.
Start with Check-Up 1, then pre-schedule Check-Up 2; two simple and effective steps to ensure a dental office's IPAC Program's health is on track year after year!
IPAC Check-Up 1$299.99
IPAC Check-Up 2$199.99